What is happening behind the scenes? Is myStandards only pressing Nano-Pellets or do they have any partners, projects or the will to collaborate? Here is where you can read more about the company, our newest News and check out what we are doing!
How did the journey of myStandards begin? Where is it going? And who is joining the vision of Nano-Pellets as a revolution of solid-state-analysis? Check out the history of myStandards and who the members of our team are and how we manage quality.
What our distribution or development partners think about us? With who we collaborate? Read the voices of the main industry players in the analytical branche.
Read our latest news post and find out about applications and background information or read articles about past events.
Use Cases
Last but not least, what are the use cases the Nano-Pellets are suitable for?
Ever heard of LA-ICP-MS, µXRF, LIBS or XRF and how they should be calibrated?
We can give you some advice, use all of them with our calibration standards!