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Lithodata Mining Technologies Ltd. works with a variety of analytical equipment suppliers to provide turnkey, field-based solutions for geochemistry, mineralogy and geophysics that enable informed, real-time decision making.
That's why we also work together and provide them with high-quality reference materials. Here you will find a selection of products, which we have assembled together.

Discover our sets

Our meticulously curated reference sets represent key types of mineral deposits, providing an essential resource for precise geochemical analyses. These sets are designed to support scientific research and industrial applications by offering insights into the processes that form economically significant metal deposits. 

From hydrothermal circulation and volcanic activity to magmatic differentiation and sedimentary exhalation, the included deposit types showcase the diversity of natural ore-forming environments. The metals of interest span from base metals like copper, zinc, lead, and nickel to precious elements such as gold, silver, and the platinum group metals.

SEDEX XRF Set large
Variants from €439.99*

SEDEX XRF Set – A Benchmark for Geochemical Research

Sedimentary exhalative deposits, SEDEX, for short are formed by “exhalation” of metal-bearing fluids on the seafloor and deposition into clastic sediments. Their main elements of interest are lead, zinc, and to a smaller degree copper and silver (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag). A typical example of this kind of deposits is in the German Harz mountains in Rammelsberg, another infamous example is the Red Dog mine in Alaska, USA.

VHMS XRF Set – Excellence in Submarine Deposit Analysis

Volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits (VHMS-deposits) are produced by volcanic hydrothermal events in submarine environments. Here hydrothermal fluids precipitate their metals into and onto the seafloor. This process can still be observed today at the so-called black smokers on the ocean floor. Their main metals of economic interest are zinc, lead, copper and silver (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ag). An infamous example of a VHMS depoit would be Kidd Creek in Canada.

VHMS XRF Set large
Variants from €439.99*
Porphyry XRF Set large
Variants from €439.99*

Porphyry XRF Set - The Standard for Copper-Dominated Deposits

Porphyry deposits are predominantly copper (Cu) ore-bodies, that formed from hydrothermal fluids originating from a large magma chamber, often several kilometres below the deposit itself. These ore bodies are usually voluminous and can become economical at lower grades (0,15 % of copper). Further metals of economic interest are molebdenum, silver and gold (Mo, Ag, Au). The Bingham Canon Mine in Utah, USA is an example of this deposit-type.

Nickel-Sulfide XRF Set – Precision for High-Value Deposits

Nickel (Ni)-Sulphide ores are formed by ultramafic magmas rising into the Earth’s crust, cooling and precipitating Nicke-sulphides, which cannot mix with the magma. Sometimes these deposits are also associated with platinum-group elements, platinum, palladium, rhodium, osmium, iridium and ruthenium (Pt, Pd, Rh, Os, Ir, Ru). Two examples of this kind of deposit are Sudbury in Canada, and the Norilsk mine in Russia, one of the world’s most valuable deposits.

Nickel-Sulphide XRF Set large
Variants from €439.99*
Epithermal XRF Set large
Variants from €439.99*

Epithermal XRF Set – Unlocking the Secrets of Vein Deposits

Epithermal deposits form by hydrothermal fluids circulating through fractures and cracks in rocks at depths of < 1500 m below the Earth’s surface. Cooling of these fluids leads to metal deposition in veins. Main elements of economic interest are copper and gold, lead and zinc can also be of interest (Cu, Au, Pb, Zn). Notable epithermal deposits are the Carlin Trend in Nevada, USA and the Guanajuato in Mexico.

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In addition to the pressed pellets from our sets, you will also find many other pellets made from other materials. Or contact us and ask for your own customized reference material.