On the occasion of this year’s Überfliegerwettbewerbs the Ministry of Economics (Wirtschaftsministerium), StartUp SH e.V., The Bay Areas e.V. and the Marketingclub SH e.V. convened a press conference. As last year’s winner, myStandards GmbH was presented in the Kieler Nachrichten as a successful StartUp.
Inspiring business ideas from startups in Schleswig-Holstein are being sought: The three associations “The Bay Areas”, the “Marketing Club Schleswig-Holstein” and “StartUp SH”, together with the state government, today gave the starting signal for the third state-wide startup competition “Überflieger”. As of now, young entrepreneurs who have their company headquarters in Schleswig-Holstein and were founded between January 2017 and the end of March 2020 are called upon to participate. According to Dr. Thilo Rohlfs, State Secretary for Economics and Technology, the three winning teams can look forward to trips to Silicon Valley in San Francisco this year, among other prizes. “Der Überflieger-Wettbewerb ist für Startups also eine hervorragende Chance, sich über das Land hinaus zu vernetzen und bekannter zu machen. Wir bereiten dafür den Weg, stellen Kontakte zu möglichen Sponsoren her und bauen über unser Büro in San Francisco gern auch Brücken, über die die Geschäftsideen aus Schleswig-Holstein in die Welt getragen werden können” says Rohlfs.

In addition to the three trips to San Francisco and Silicon Valley (October 18 to 25), there will also be a special prize again this year: A wildcard for the StartUp Camp Schleswig-Holstein of the Ministry of Economics (June 8 to 13 at the Fachhochschule Wedel).
Applications with a letter of motivation and “pitch deck” can be submitted now until March 31 at the latest at: wettbewerb@startupsh.de
“Es ist wichtig, sich divers aufzustellen.“
Christina Wittke