Instead of staying at Hawaii – we will present our latest research and development at the Goldschmidt Virtual 2020: the most important annual international conference on geochemistry and related topics organized by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
Although we were very much looking forward to going to Hawaii this year, we are even more pleased that the organizers of the largest geochemistry conference have managed to provide a virtual platform.
We are looking forward to 3,000 registered participants, over 1,000 uploaded abstracts and presentations and are excited to present our own research projects together with our project partners.
Novel Reference Materials for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy [LIBS] Microanalysis
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is an emerging technique for rapid, in-situ, microanalysis that is ideally suited to the anlaysis of geoloigcal samples. For quantification of acquired geochmeical data an empirical matrix-matched calibration is preferable. This study investigates the advantages of using these nano-particulate samples related to improved signal quality and efficiency in the number of measurements required to generate representative sampling.
Together with SciAps we started a project with different nano-pellets made out of lithium ores.
Check the full abstract and presentation down below as a part of the GoldschmidtVirtual2020 programm!
Novel reference materials for LIBS | presentation with SciAps
Homogeneity Test on a Candidate Microanalytical Mn-nodule Reference Material Using Micro X-Ray Fluourescence Spectroscopy (µXRF)
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is an established analytical technique. In recent years, the development ofimproved capillary optics and silicon drift detectors (SDD) has brought forth instruments capable of focusing the incident x-ray beam to a spot size of 10-15 μm enabling analyses with high-spatial resolution at increased speed. These μXRFinstruments acquire an energy dispersive spectum and quantify the data using fundamental parameter (FP) calculations. This quantification is, presently, the best option for μXRF since sufficiently homogenous and matrix-matched reference materials (RM) are scarse. For improved quantification matrix-matched RMs are preferable.
Together with Bruker Nano GmbH we checked our NOD-A1-NP and NOD-P1-NP nano-pellets about their usability for µXRF.
Check the full abstract an presentation down below as a part of the GoldschmidtVirtual2020 programm!
Homogenity test with µXRF | presentation with Bruker Nano GmbH
Latest news posts:
- An exciting new project: the development of a Sulphide-Nano-Pellet as a reference material
- 32 mm Pressed Pellets for XRF – an alternative to the Nano-Pellets for XRF!
- New certified reference material from biotite: BTNO-Nano-Pellet
- Muscovite certified reference material: MSNA-Nano-Pellet
- The Future of myStandards Quality Control – Artificial Intelligence